随着人们越来越熟练地驾驭《LOL外围下注》(ITAR), 他们常常惊讶地发现,中国不仅控制出口, but that it also has something to say about 临时进口.

In one of the more succinct sections of the regulation (ITAR 120.53), 临时进口 are defined as:


  1. To be returned to the country from which it was shipped or taken; or
  2. 运输到另一外国目的地的任何国防物品.”


归类为临时进口的一种常见情况是,某些东西被带到美国进行维修或一对一更换. 其他例子还包括用于贸易展览或私人向潜在客户演示的设备.

永久进口, 另一方面, 进口到美国是供国内消费吗.

例如,进口制导炮弹进行测试并可能出售给美国.S. government is a permanent import because the rounds are consumed domestically; once fired, they can’t be returned.

因此,需要解决的第一个问题是,进口是暂时的还是永久的. But it also raises the question: If the ITAR, 是由国务院管理的吗, controls 临时进口, who controls permanent imports?

Those, as stated in the ITAR 120.53, 在司法部酒精管理局的指导下,由司法部长监管, 烟草, 枪支, and Explosives” (ATF).


由于1976年的《英雄联盟外围下注》,这两个官僚机构都承担了这些责任, 因此,虽然有两个不同的机构来监督可能相关的进口活动, their regulations have some similarities.


U.S. 军需品清单五. U.S. Munitions Import List

ITAR controls over 临时进口 apply only to items on the U.S. 弹药列表 (USML),由国防贸易管制局(DDTC)管理。.

ATF对永久进口的管制适用于不同但名称相似的项目 U.S. Munitions Import List (USMIL).

If something appears on the USML, 您需要DDTC的许可才能临时导入它. 这种许可可能以许可或豁免的形式出现.

If something is on the USMIL, 你需要获得ATF的许可,以获得许可证或豁免,永久进口该物品.

在两个列表中都可以找到许多项目,但它们并不完全相同. 一些出现在USML上的物品不会出现在USMIL上-允许未经事先批准不能临时带入该国的物品可以进入该国, 事实上, be imported permanently.

这两个列表遵循相同的结构(见图表),并且一度更加相似. But they’ve diverged over time, 对它们的高级类别进行比较,可以看出每个列表所关注的问题之间存在明显的区别.

ITAR和USML侧重于国家安全-防止某些美国非法贸易.S. military goods from being used to benefit hostile powers. They cover not only armaments and ammunition, but also things like body armor, advanced electronics and certain satellite technology.

ATF和USMIL更关心国内安全和反恐——重点放在枪支和爆炸物上. The ATF list specifies more firearms than does the ITAR, including semi-automatic weapons, which no longer appear on the USML. 但军用电子设备、夜视系统等并不受其影响.

U的比较.S. 军需品清单五. Munitions Import List

I 枪支 & 相关文章 枪支
II 枪支与军备 Artillery Projectors
III 弹药 and Ordnance 弹药
IV 采购产品运载火箭,制导导弹,弹道导弹,火箭,鱼雷,炸弹和地雷 采购产品运载火箭,制导导弹,弹道导弹,火箭,鱼雷,炸弹和地雷
V 炸药和高能材料,推进剂,燃烧剂及其成分 保留
VI  Surface Vessels of War and Special Naval Equipment Vessels of War and Special Naval Equipment
VII  地面车辆 Tanks and Military Vehicles
VIII  Aircraft and 相关文章 Aircraft and Associated Equipment
IX  Military Training Equipment and Training 保留
X  Personal Protective Equipment 保留
XI  Military Electronics 保留
XII  Fire Control, Laser, Imaging, and Guidance Equipment 保留
XIII  Materials and Miscellaneous Articles 保留
XIV 采购产品毒理学试剂,包括化学试剂,生物试剂和相关设备 Toxicological Agents and Equipment and Radiological Equipment
XV  Spacecraft and 相关文章 保留
XVI  核 Weapons 相关文章 核 Weapons Design and Test Equipment
XVII 分类物品、技术资料及未另行列举之防卫服务 保留
XVIII  Directed 能源 Weapons 保留
XIX  Gas Turbine Engines and Associated Equipment 保留
XX  Submersible Vessels and 相关文章 Submersible Vessels, Oceanographic and Associated Equipment
XXI 未列之物品、技术资料及防卫服务 Miscellaneous Articles

公司 that work in explosives are used to these nuances. 但在其他国防相关领域工作的公司可能没有意识到,他们需要获得ATF的许可才能进行某些进口活动.


根据ITAR和ATF获得进口许可的规定和程序是相似的,但并非完全相同. Both require entities that import controlled items to register.

受《LOL外围下注》规管的进出口活动的登记,由贸易发展局使用表格办理 DS-2032, which must be submitted through the 国防出口管制和合规系统(DECCS)的电子门户). As of March 2023, registration fees start at $2,250/year.

向ATF登记为进口商的申请是透过 表格5330.4. Fees,  as of March 2023, start at $250/year.

Both regulations also have record-keeping requirements.

Licenses, permits and exemptions

The process for acquiring a temporary import license under the ITAR (对于USML上的项目)根据项目是分类还是非分类而有所不同. The application form for unclassified items is Form DSP-61; and DSP-85 for classified items.

Obtaining an import permit through ATF begins with ATF表格6.

这两项规定都允许豁免通常的许可证或许可证要求的可能性. 例如, 如果活动是根据与国防部的合同进行的,则USMIL上的物品不需要ATF进口许可证.

根据《LOL外围下注》豁免临时进口许可证的规定载于 第123节.ITAR第4条. The ATF provides a list of permit exemptions 在其网站上.

Looking for additional guidance? Check out our latest on-demand webinar: A Primer on Navigating ATF Controls.

Contact the 出口合规 Training Institute

Do you have questions about permanent vs. 临时进口? Visit xwz.eatingfish.net 了解LOL外围下注的公司,LOL外围下注的教师,LOL外围下注的员工和LOL外围下注尊敬的人 出口合规 Professional (ECoP®) certification program. 找到即将到来的 e-seminars现场研讨会 and 生活LOL外围下注 and browse our catalog of 80-plus on-demand webinarsvisit our ECTI Academy. You can also call the 出口合规 Training Institute at 540-433-3977 for more information.

斯科特Gearity is President of ECTI, Inc.
